Saturday 27 June 2015

What is the Key of Motivation?

What is the Key of Motivation?

I believe there are various types of different ways to enhance our motivation.
For example, most of the teens might be saying their boyfriend, girlfriend is the only way for them to gain more motivation, or even some of them might be saying their family is their motivation.
Until here I will have to apologize that I really do not meant it in a particular way nor do I want to offense anybody.
As I know these are the most common things that we know in order to gain more motivations.
But isn't there's any other ways of doing it too?

Being different in one another is actually pretty simple,
you can be annoying,
you can be irritating,
you can be friendly,
Or even you can make people to like you.
Thus, it is actually a difficult task to be a successful human being?
There is sure a negative “no” to a typical question as majority of people are afraid to change in order to success.
But I personally felt that knowing what you want and being determine enough to achieve it is way harder than being a successful person because you’ll feel that you are lack of motivation.
We can be success in many different points of view.
But where can we get our motivation and determination in order to be successful?

The only key to get more motivation is knowing what you want.
If you have no idea of what you want to achieve and you just follow of what you are doing it there is no point for it.
Simple way to understand it,
Know what you want = Motivation
It’s just that simple to be success.

Of course, motivation doesn't come by yourself.
You will also need the helping hands from your family, your friends, as well as the people around you.
You might be successful of doing it alone but you will never be happy of what you are doing it as stepping people down and move forward to your success instead of working it together with you towards the success.
As there is a saying coming together is a beginning,
 keeping together is a process,
but working together is a success.
So, why not you just find what you want for now or in the future and work together with the people around you? ;)

Monday 15 June 2015

Friendship Goals

7th years of Friendship is not a short period of time for us to cope with every problems.
There's only one word that can be describe in order to make our friendship last long which is
It will be like a hell lot experience if  we had not trust each other thought out the whole journey,
 because you'll definitely went trough numerous problem that befall to break your friendship.

The first things that how my girls and I to build a good friendship which is,
be there for them whenever there's ups and downs.
Second, extremely caring like they are your boyfriends.
Third, scares whoever tries to get you down
Forth,tries to make your day full of joy.

Fifth, feeling funny and fun when they are here no matter how they act.
Sixth, reads conversation and gives opinion of how I'd comment or post in Facebook or any social media.
Seventh, inherits a new family.
Eighth, explain craps that you don't know as your friends will definitely laugh at you when you have no idea what the crap is.
Nine,nothing will ever be success if you never try to experience it. Therefore, we must made lots commitment in order to gain a truly friendship. 
Tenth, directly hurts whoever hurts you because to be real is the second keyword for me to build a good friendship.
Eleventh, sometimes things happen that will drift us apart but I assure for the rest of my life that I'll never break us apart.

Would you actually pop up with a question that why some of the words are bold with red colours?
Try to read it with just those red words.
''Best Friends"
Yes! that's right.
It's the combination of friendship meanings into words.
To be honest, I actually got this amazing idea from Pinterest and immediately I felt for the great meaning behind the words. I really wish the meaning of these great words actually stay in my life forever.

I really thought I've already achieved the part of my friendship goals which is travelling around the world without any much permission from parents. Heh =D

I'm am feeling so ecstatic of having them in my life that made such beautiful memories for me.
 Having a good friends and building up relationship with them are very important to me as they make my life a colourful rainbow
As each colour make my world a better place. =)

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Sunday 14 June 2015

Singapore trip in Marina Bay Sands

My first vacation to other country and it was in Singapore.
To be honest, I've never fly on any air plane before even for my very first Singapore trip.
But I do have fun during in the car to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur as we can do whatever we want . For an instant, we screamed in the car, talked loudly in the car and do what we wanted to do in the car.
We departed KL from 1130am and it took more than 4 hours for us to as it was heavily traffic jam thought out the journey. 5.30pm was the time that we reached Singapore.

So, this was the view from my room. It's awesome right?! heh
We just went into the hotel room without taking any luggage, as there was a bellhop helped us to sent into our room with a very polite way.
Oh my god, I really really love their politeness <3

After putting all the stuff to the wardrobe, the girls was so excited and we just quickly change our attire to bikini to go for a dip. 
As you can see the photos above, It's actually after we swam's looked.

The breakfast for the first day.
My favourite, nuts.

Of course, shopping is the most significant things that teenager girls will do.
And I made a choice to buy some snacks that Malaysia don't have which is minion candy, nutella crackers, potato crackers and many more for my friends and family.

Hereafter, all of us were very tired and thanks to Juinnie's boyfriend that helped us to take this memorable photo for us.
Oh yeah, I nearly forgotten to introduce my best friends. Haha
From the left  was Annie,
the middle one was Juinnie,
and last was truly indeed  me, Kennie.=D

Chilling in the room.

Enjoying the Nutella.

Eventually, this was my last breakfast in Marina Bay Sands
and the fact that, I miss their food very much as it was so delicious.

Although it was my last day in MBS, I will still get my one last swim in the Marina Bay Rooftop swimming pool.
I totally felt in love with the view from the rooftop! haha
Never forget to take selfies or wefies with the babes. heh

After all, we've finally done our vacation of 3 days and 2 nights in MBS.
And this was the photo that I took on the way back to Kuala Lumpur.
Just have to say thank god to create such great memories that I can enjoy so much in Singapore.
Great Journey, Great Fun.Great memories.

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Monday 8 June 2015

About Knie

Born in 1996, Kennie Tan Hui Lee was raised in KL, Malaysia. She started blogging since she was 18 years old as a students in Utar Sg. Long City Campus. She has a very strong passion in dance. However, her casual writing style in sharing  her dance as she also blogs about her thoughts, feelings, fashion, experience and her daily life.

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