Monday 17 August 2015


Most people including me consider ourselves as lucky as we have ONE or TWO friends that we can count on. But even if we do have HUGE circle of CLOSE friends, why NOT? Right? Hah.
However, most important things is you yourself consider you as a friend, and totally understand who you hang out with.

 Your friends can be a huge influences in your life.
It you hang out with the wrong ones, you might ends up in the wrong path same as if you hang out with good ones, you might ends up in good life too. 
As when I was the age of 11, I used to be very rude.
I was pain in the ass when I was in the young age.
Vulgarity is like my daily routine.
However as I grow older, I realize I should put a stop to this.
I started telling myself if my dad from the above would be disappointed if I keep on with this attitude. 

Then I made up my mind to dodge myself away from all the dark side and choose the friends that I really want to stay close and trust the most. I want those friends that can make me a better person, smarter, more loving, more open minded, more collaborative, more God loving, more grateful, more forgiving and more obedient to our parents.

Main reminder, do not ever expect others to make commitment that you wouldn't make.
In fact, I would advise you to give more than those who support and encourage you.
Think as your friendship as sharing your favorite burger with your friends
If they bite a few bites of your burger, you might have the crave to have it back from them right straight away.
But sharing make things more yummy.
I can't stress enough how vital it is to have positive people in your life and how dangerous it is to hang out with those who don't actually bring out the best in you. 

"In our culture, people always compare with each other and they can easily focus on what they don't have, their limitations," once said by the greatest,Ignatius.
It's actually doesn't matter and not your fault.
Just that everyone is doing it and eventually you'll just follow it.
But now I'm trying to persuade you to change it into different perspective.
You can actually try to improve yourself of what you are not good at and learn from your friends!=D
Well I'm not trying to ask you to copy your friends, what I'm trying to carry out is if you don't learn the positives from your friends, what else are you gonna learn?

Sometimes we tends to hide our weakness within ourselves but trust me that rarely works out well. 
So my advise over here is to be YOURSELF and find those people who willing to accept the REAL YOU.

I know we all feel lonely at some points in our lives. Yet I believe there'e no one hasn't felt that before right?
The first step to avoid the loneliness,  is to instead of waiting people to come over you is you YOURSELF have to move forwards first.

Monday 10 August 2015

Asian Battleground 2015

It was my very first experience going on to the Astro LIVE show Asian Battleground.
I can say that I'm very fortunate to know Ker Qian as my friend. She the ONE and ONLY girl member in Kidiotics crew! =D
You know what is more exciting? Kidiotics is the champion for Astro Battleground 2015!!! <3
It is very nice of her because she actually got me a lot of tickets.
So with that, I invited bunch of my Uni friends to go together.

The show was supposing to start at 9.30 p.m. but I had something that had been delay therefore I reach there at 10 p.m. that night.
 I was really auspicious that I still could get in to the Grand Hall.
Of course with the lateness, I didn't manage to get a nice place to stand and watch the show.
However, I still manage to have good times with my friends and create lots of memories with them.
To fix the situation I just tip toes and strengthen my neck as long as possible to watch the show.
Eventually, everybody start to do that too to get the a good view. 

All in all it was a great experience, watching the dancing crew from 10 different countries and meeting famous judges like Funky Lia from Korea, G.Hsiang from Taiwan, Vince from Philippine and etc.

Acting like a boss? HaHa

From the beginning and towards to end of all their performances was great but when it comes  to the Japanese group I really felt that they are not as good as the other dance crew.

We had gone full max crazy when it comes to my friend's dance crew which is the Kidiotics and after we have witnessed their performances, we were extremely sure that the Kidiotics crew is gonna win but turned up that the Japanese team won.
However, we did not get a clear view, therefore we thought that the Japanese team was not that great.
To clear things up a bit I have re watched the show again on the internet the next day.
And indeed that Japanese team had amaze me.

Truly a champion for ASIAN BATTLEGROUND.   

Moral of the stories ~Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover. =)

Last but not least, the event was great. I had a great experiences. Another great puzzle pieces to add in my memory lane. =)

Anyway let's just stop with those boring words and watch the video together!!

Monday 3 August 2015

Play with Your Oats.

For the very first time I search in google "play with your oats"
The result shown below:-

House of Burke,(2013),8 Simple Sensory Activities to Help Siblings Bond,Retrieve 1 August 2015,from 

Even my friend told me that the title is kinda weird in a weird way
and it sounds gross too. :(
 What I'm trying to meant was totally different...
The main idea that I want to carry out for today is 
Play with Your Oats!
And that is totally something else.
Definitely something new!  

The Adventurous Foodie, (2015),  Quaker oats in bowl, Retrieved 1 August 2015, from

Because I've seen enough people keep complaining with their oats is tasteless,  taste like plain paper, taste gross or even worse taste like "SHIT" =_=
In the end, they go back with their unhealthy diet.

Today I am telling you that you are truthfully WRONG if you think   that eating oats is a kind of boring.
And it isn't as bad as what you think of.
Practically you can sub-join it with other nutritious food that will absolutely makes your oats lots tastier!

Phobe Conway,(2015)Phoebesfood, Retrieved 1 August 2015, from

See, it looks really delicious-nicious right?!

I personally like to add in dragon fruits (my favorite fruits), banana, apple, raisins, and various types of nuts into my oats.
With that, it actually makes me crave for my Breakfast every single day and I am will never get bored of it even for a second.

This was one of my oats before I realized that I can actually
 "Play with my oats" 

So, what are you waiting for?
Let's "Play with Your Oats" together!

Leave your comments or feedback to share out your oats as well ;D

And that is my most recent creation! =D
***thanks to my housemate's spoon XD***