Tuesday 8 September 2015

How to Control Your Intake.

I started my so call "diet plan" since when I'm Form 2.
And I really success of getting a "slim" body.
Which was actually a thin body.
I was really happy that I got slim down.
 But THEN....
I was too happy, and I just eat as much as I can because I thought that I'm thin enough.
See this. I know I looks weird in this picture.But I just wan you to see the difference of be before "diet" and the after.
And THIS was the previous one.

*I'm the one who standing on the left hand side.*
You might not know that what is the difference, but when you see the legs between the two photos.
There is a very big different actually.

So the feedback was DOUBLE UP for my body figure.
My body size just became worse from what I was before I started my diet plan.

Hence, I didn't give up of working on it. 
I tried hard of getting numerous way to slim down my body but of course in a healthy way.
I even do exercise regularly.
Yet the result is still the same.

Yeah I admit that I'm a food porn which I really eats a lot.
That was actually my biggest enemy ever.
So,I was struggled for so long of how to control my daily intake.

Until then I found something which actually helps me a lot.
Well, I really need to thanks to my friend of introducing me an apps which is 
You might thinking of what is the benefit of MyFitnessPal right? Hah

Let me tell you about this,
You can actually key in your age, height and the most important part YOUR TARGET weight for slim down! =D

After I key in all my information, then I realized that my usual calorie intake was actually more than what I should have for my daily intake.

Gosh! What I did for the past was really wrong! 
And currently I've lost 1kg in just ONE WEEK!
This was one of my transformation and I'm still working hard on it. =D

I am following MyFitnessPal app for my daily intake. 
If you have the same situation as me in the past,
download MyFitnessPal apps then.

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