Sunday 5 July 2015


What can we magnified by saying appreciation?
Having big house, flashy car, and the platinum credit card?
Honestly, I am extremely consent about it.
Therefore, my thoughts for all this is just a matter of thing that we want it for ostensibly.
Of course, everyone works for their lifetime just to earn all of these.
But did you actually realized that there's something that are more important things to appreciate rather than the luxuries?

Let me ask you a question, what is your dream car?
Or even Bentley?
Would you voluntary to wash your dream car and polish it every single day?
And on one side you will have a thought that, “what is most important thing in my life?”  Is the car more important or me, myself that is more precious?
Without any hesitation, my answer will be "the car". 
Hereafter, I felt that I was so naive to say that answer.
Because the precious answer is supposed to be "yourself".
There's nothing more important than yourself and if today you do not appreciate yourself. When you will start living your life again?
These is because we are a very unique creature created by our parents. There is no certain value or money to buy YOU.

Loving yourself is more than everything.
And you have to figure out what is more important for you to be appreciate.
Specifically, I want to acknowledge to all the people that I know that how much I appreciate all the support and help that you all have given me over all these years. Every time I look back, it was always you. All of your love, support and encouragement that have kept me going to the very end. Thank you for being there and thank you for staying by my side. I am so grateful to have a bunch of “you”. Lets keep it this way and never ever we forgone one and another.

The End. =)

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